ID #1023

Bekannte Probleme des VMserver 2.00

Hier mal die bekannten Probleme von der Download-Seite bei VMware in kurzer Auflan class="highlight">isan>tung und ihre mögliche Lösung.
VMware Server Version 2.0 | 29 OCT 2008 | Build 122956
Last Document Update: 16 DEC 2008

an style="font-size: large;">Known an class="highlight">Isan>suesan>

an class="highlight">Thean> following are known an class="highlight">isan>sues with VMware Server 2.0:

  • When attempting to install VMware Server on a Windows host, you might see an class="highlight">thean> message Please verify an class="highlight">thean> md5 hash value of than class="highlight">isan> executable and an class="highlight">thean>n press 'Yes' to continue.
    Workaround: Than class="highlight">isan> message an class="highlight">isan> sometimes dan class="highlight">isan>played when an class="highlight">thean> installer package size an class="highlight">isan> large. You can check an class="highlight">thean> md5 hash value to verify an class="highlight">thean> package before you continue an class="highlight">thean> installation. an class="highlight">Thean> md5 hash values are lan class="highlight">isan>ted on an class="highlight">thean> VMware Server 2.0 download page.
  • When attempting to install VMware Server on a Windows 2003 Server host, you might see an class="highlight">thean> error message Error 1718. an class="highlight">Filean> installer_name.msi was rejected by digital signature policy.
    Workaround: For more information and possible workarounds, see <a href="">>. Make sure that your operating system has all an class="highlight">thean> latest updates applied.
  • When attempting to install VMware Server on a Windows 2003 Server host, you might see an class="highlight">thean> error message System Adminan class="highlight">isan>trator has set policies to prevent than class="highlight">isan> installation.
    Workaround: Right-click an class="highlight">thean> installer an class="highlight">filean>, choose Run as, and enter an class="highlight">thean> Adminan class="highlight">isan>trator username and password. Additional configuration steps might be required. See <a href="">Forbidden by system policya>.
  • When upgrading on a Windows host, an class="highlight">thean> installer might prompt you to reboot an class="highlight">thean> system. After an class="highlight">thean> system an class="highlight">isan> rebooted, you might see an class="highlight">thean> message Than class="highlight">isan> installation package could an class="highlight">notan> be opened. Verify that an class="highlight">thean> package exan class="highlight">isan>ts and that you can access it, or contact an class="highlight">thean> application vendor to verify that than class="highlight">isan> an class="highlight">isan> a valid Windows Installer Package.
     Workaround: Manually restart an class="highlight">thean> installation from an class="highlight">thean> VMware Server installer executable.
  • On Windows Server 2008, network settings are an class="highlight">notan> preserved when upgrading to an class="highlight">thean> release version of VMware Server 2.
  • an class="highlight">Thean> default VI Web Access HTTP connection port an class="highlight">isan> 8222 and an class="highlight">thean> default HTTPS port an class="highlight">isan> 8333. If you use an class="highlight">thean>se defaults, or any values oan class="highlight">thean>r than 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS), you must specify an class="highlight">thean> port number when you connect to VMware Server using VI Web Access. You must also allow connection to an class="highlight">thean>se ports through your firewall.
    An example URL to connect to VI Web Access an class="highlight">isan> http://server_host:8222
    If you want to use ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS), override an class="highlight">thean> default values during installation.
    an class="highlight">Notan>e: If you are running Ian class="highlight">ISan> or Apache web server on an class="highlight">thean> default ports, specify alternate HTTP and HTTP ports when prompted by an class="highlight">thean> Windows installer or Alternatively, stop Ian class="highlight">ISan>'s default Web site or any oan class="highlight">thean>r Web site running on an class="highlight">thean>se ports. On Linux, shut down Apache or any oan class="highlight">thean>r application using an class="highlight">thean>se ports and make sure an class="highlight">thean>y are an class="highlight">notan> configured to restart automatically.
  • On Windows, an class="highlight">thean> VMware Server desktop and Start menu shortcuts use an class="highlight">thean> NetBIOS name in an class="highlight">thean> connection URL. Than class="highlight">isan> might cause VI Web Access to fail to connect to VMware Server. VMware Remote Console connections might also fail, with an class="highlight">thean> error Error opening an class="highlight">thean> remote virtual machine machine_name: an class="highlight">Thean> host name could an class="highlight">notan> be resolved.
    Workaround: Enter an class="highlight">thean> correct host name as an class="highlight">thean> Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) when prompted by an class="highlight">thean> Windows installer. Or, if an class="highlight">thean> URL an class="highlight">specifiedan> in an class="highlight">thean> shortcut does an class="highlight">notan> work, use an class="highlight">thean> correct host name, IP address, or localhost, as appropriate, in an class="highlight">thean> connection URL. You can also manually enter an class="highlight">thean> short name and an class="highlight">thean> FQDN, or localhost, in an class="highlight">thean> /etc/hosts an class="highlight">filean>.
  • When you connect to VI Web Access using Firefox 3, a Security Connection Error an class="highlight">isan> dan class="highlight">isan>played, indicating that an class="highlight">thean> VMware Server host an class="highlight">isan> using an invalid security certificate. an class="highlight">Thean> certificate an class="highlight">isan> an class="highlight">notan> trusted because it an class="highlight">isan> self signed.
    Workaround: To allow VI Web Access to connect to an class="highlight">thean> host:
    1. Click Or you can add an exception.
    2. Click Add Exception.
    3. Click Get Certificate.
    4. Verify that Permanently store than class="highlight">isan> exception an class="highlight">isan> selected.
    5. Click Confirm Security Exception.
  • If you use a CIFS datastore and an class="highlight">thean> Windows Credential Manager becomes unavailable for that storage location, virtual machines using that datastore become inaccessible. If you attempt to remove an class="highlight">thean> CIFS datastore from VMware Server while virtual machines are stored on an class="highlight">thean> datastore or virtual CD/DVD drives are connected to an class="highlight">ISan>O image an class="highlight">filean>s on an class="highlight">thean> datastore, it will fail with an error message indicating that resources are in use.
    Workaround: If you have a virtual machine stored on a CIFS datastore that an class="highlight">isan> inaccessible:
    1. Remove an class="highlight">thean> virtual machine, but DO an class="highlight">NOTan> delete an class="highlight">thean> associated dan class="highlight">isan>k an class="highlight">filean>s.
    2. Move an class="highlight">thean> virtual machine an class="highlight">filean>s to a non-CIFS datastore (unless you want to re-add an class="highlight">thean> CIFS datastore).

    If any virtual machines are connected to an image an class="highlight">filean> stored on a CIFS datastore that an class="highlight">isan> inaccessible:
    1. Edit an class="highlight">thean> virtual machine's CD/DVD drive and dan class="highlight">isan>connect an class="highlight">thean> image an class="highlight">filean> or remove that CD/DVD drive from an class="highlight">thean> virtual machine.
    2. Move an class="highlight">thean> an class="highlight">ISan>O image to a non-CIFS datastore (unless you want to re-add an class="highlight">thean> CIFS datastore).

    After you complete an class="highlight">thean>se steps for all virtual machines using an class="highlight">thean> CIFS datastore:
    1. Remove an class="highlight">thean> datastore.
    2. Add an class="highlight">thean> datastore.
    3. Add an class="highlight">thean> virtual machine to an class="highlight">thean> inventory.

  • On some SLES hosts, VMware services do an class="highlight">notan> start automatically after reboot.
    Workaround: To start VMware services, log on to an class="highlight">thean> host as root and enter an class="highlight">thean> command:
     /etc/init.d/vmware-mgmt start
  • If you click Install VMware Tools in VI Web Access after uninstalling VMware Tools, an class="highlight">thean> VMware Tools image an class="highlight">isan> an class="highlight">notan> mounted in an class="highlight">thean> guest.
    Workaround: To successfully mount an class="highlight">thean> VMware Tools image:
    1. In VI Web Access, click Eject Installer to cancel an class="highlight">thean> VMware Tools installation.
    2. In VMware Remote Console, dan class="highlight">isan>connect an class="highlight">thean> CD/DVD drive by selecting Devices > CD/DVD Drive 1 > Dan class="highlight">isan>connect.
    3. In VI Web Access, click Install VMware Tools.
    4. In VMware Remote Console, complete an class="highlight">thean> VMware Tools installation.
  • Automatic VMware Tools upgrade might fail in Windows 2003 Server guests.
    Workaround: Upgrade VMware Tools interactively.
  • In RHEL 4.6 AS 64-bit guests, mouse behavior an class="highlight">isan> an class="highlight">notan> correct after VMware Tools an class="highlight">isan> installed.
    Workaround: Restart an class="highlight">thean> guest or an class="highlight">thean> Xsession after VMware Tools an class="highlight">isan> installed.
  • On RHEL systems, sometimes an class="highlight">thean> arrow keys that allow you to cycle between multiple instances of VMware Remote Console in full screen mode are grayed out and canan class="highlight">notan> be used.
    Workaround: Close all instances of VMware Remote Console and delete an class="highlight">thean> an class="highlight">filean> /tmp/vmware-$USER/vmplayer-daemon-$Dan class="highlight">ISan>PLAY (for example, /tmp/vmware-root/vmplayer-daemon-:0.0). an class="highlight">Thean>n restart one or more instances of VMware Remote Console.
  • In Netware 6 guests with VMware Tools installed, it an class="highlight">isan> an class="highlight">notan> possible to transfer control of an class="highlight">thean> mouse from VMware Remote Console back to your computer unless you press Ctrl+Alt.
  • Connected devices are an class="highlight">notan> lan class="highlight">isan>ted an class="highlight">thean> VMware Tools control panel Devices tab.
    Workaround: Users that have an class="highlight">thean> appropriate perman class="highlight">isan>sions can connect and dan class="highlight">isan>connect devices using VI Web Access or VMware Remote Console.
  • an class="highlight">Thean> vmnet-netifup daemons do an class="highlight">notan> terminate when VMware Server an class="highlight">isan> stopped.
    Workaround: Dan class="highlight">isan>able IPv6 on your host.
  • If you create quiesced backups and you set vmwriter.overwriteSnapshots to TRUE in an class="highlight">thean> VMware VSS Writer configuration an class="highlight">filean>, exan class="highlight">isan>ting snapshots for all virtual machines on that host are overwritten unless an class="highlight">thean> snapshots are locked.
    Workaround: Lock any snapshots that you don't want to overwrite in an class="highlight">thean> Configure VM Snapshots tab.
  • On Red Hat Enterpran class="highlight">isan>e Linux 5 with SELinux enabled, an class="highlight">thean> host agent will an class="highlight">notan> start due to library loading errors.
    Workaround: Use an class="highlight">thean> chcon command to change an class="highlight">thean> security context for any libraries that fail to load, for example:
    chcon -t texrel_shlib_t /usr/lib/vmware/vmacore/
  • On Linux hosts, USB devices are an class="highlight">notan> correctly released from a powered off virtual machine. It an class="highlight">isan> possible to connect released devices to anoan class="highlight">thean>r virtual machine, but an class="highlight">thean>n neian class="highlight">thean>r virtual machine can successfully use an class="highlight">thean> devices when both virtual machines are powered on.
    Workaround: Do an class="highlight">notan> attempt to share a USB device between virtual machines. Manually dan class="highlight">isan>connect an class="highlight">thean> USB device before you connect it to a different virtual machine.
  • If you rename a virtual machine in an class="highlight">thean> VI Web Access inventory panel, an class="highlight">thean> virtual machine an class="highlight">isan> an class="highlight">notan> automatically moved to an class="highlight">thean> correct alphabetical position in an class="highlight">thean> inventory lan class="highlight">isan>t. Collapsing and expanding an class="highlight">thean> inventory lan class="highlight">isan>t does an class="highlight">notan> fix navigation in an class="highlight">thean> inventory panel, which can cause oan class="highlight">thean>r unexpected results.
    Workaround: Refresh an class="highlight">thean> page after renaming a virtual machine.
  • If you create a new preallocated virtual dan class="highlight">isan>k (by selecting an class="highlight">thean> Allocate all dan class="highlight">isan>k space now an class="highlight">filean> option) in an class="highlight">thean> Add Hardware wizard, you can only add one new preallocated dan class="highlight">isan>k at a time. If you select More Hardware and attempt to add a second new preallocated virtual dan class="highlight">isan>k before you finan class="highlight">isan>h adding an class="highlight">thean> first preallocated virtual dan class="highlight">isan>k, an class="highlight">thean> wizard might hang in a Loading state.
    Workaround: Click Finan class="highlight">isan>h after adding each new preallocated virtual dan class="highlight">isan>k, raan class="highlight">thean>r than selecting More Hardware to create multiple virtual dan class="highlight">isan>ks at an class="highlight">thean> same time. Alternatively, do an class="highlight">notan> select Allocate all dan class="highlight">isan>k space now.
  • When adding a new perman class="highlight">isan>sion, an class="highlight">thean> error Database temporarily unavailable or has network problems an class="highlight">isan> dan class="highlight">isan>played.
    1. Stop an class="highlight">thean> VMware Server host agent (at an class="highlight">thean> command line, enter /etc/init.d/vmware-mgmt stop).
    2. Create a backup copy of an class="highlight">thean> /etc/vmware/hostd/authorization.xml an class="highlight">filean>.
    3. Open an class="highlight">thean> /etc/vmware/hostd/authorization.xml an class="highlight">filean> in an editor and set NextAceId to an class="highlight">thean> next integer value that an class="highlight">isan> an class="highlight">notan> being used as as an ACEDataId. For example, if an class="highlight">thean> an class="highlight">filean> contains an class="highlight">thean> entry setting NextAceId to 11, set NextAceId to 12.
    4. Save an class="highlight">thean> updated an class="highlight">filean>.
    5. Restart an class="highlight">thean> host agent (at an class="highlight">thean> command line, enter /etc/init.d/vmware-mgmt start).
  • If you use an class="highlight">thean> Quick Find feature in an class="highlight">thean> Create Perman class="highlight">isan>sions dialog box in VI Web Access, an class="highlight">thean> search might fail with a general system error.
    Workaround: Close an class="highlight">thean> dialog box and reopen it before attempting to search again.
  • If you use Avira AntiVir antivirus software on Windows hosts, you might have problems running virtual machines.
  • If you have a legacy version of Neoteran class="highlight">isan> Secure Application Manager installed on a client system where you are running VMware Remote Console, VMware Remote Console may fail to connect to a virtual machine on a Windows host.
    Workaround: Uninstall Neoteran class="highlight">isan> Secure Application Manager and upgrade to an class="highlight">thean> most recent version, available through Juniper Networks.
  • When you attempt to install a new version of an class="highlight">thean> VMware Remote Console add-on over an exan class="highlight">isan>ting version in Internet Explorer version 7.0.5730.11, a message indicating that an class="highlight">thean> installation was canceled an class="highlight">isan> dan class="highlight">isan>played, and an class="highlight">thean> installation fails. It an class="highlight">isan> an class="highlight">notan> possible to delete an class="highlight">thean> add-on.
    Workaround: Upgrade Internet Explorer to a more recent version.
  • On some Linux guest systems, including Red Hat Enterpran class="highlight">isan>e Linux 4 and Suse 9.3, an class="highlight">thean> guest operating system binds virtual network adapters to specific MAC addresses. When an class="highlight">thean> MAC address changes (for example, when an class="highlight">thean> virtual machine an class="highlight">isan> cloned), you must update an class="highlight">thean> associated guest operating system configuration.
  • If you are an class="highlight">notan> using an class="highlight">thean> default ports (8222/8333) for VI Web Access, clicking Help from an class="highlight">thean> virtual network editor on an class="highlight">thean> host dan class="highlight">isan>plays a failure to load page error in an class="highlight">thean> Web browser instead of an class="highlight">thean> appropriate help page.
    Workaround: Change port number in an class="highlight">thean> help URL or access an class="highlight">thean> virtual network editor help from VI Web Access.



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